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Pós-Graduação em Liderança e Recursos Digitais na Educação 5.0

Código Oficial:
Acronym: PGEME
// Course Description
The Post Graduation in Strategies and Formats in 4.0 Education aims to enable professionals to build a curriculum with a new approach, centered on the Biocentric Principle and Biocentric Education, that is, reestablishing the connection with life and defining personal references that trigger their full potential.

Education is approaching the 4.0 era, where know-how is prioritized, which implies classroom experiences that are abble promote its development. Educators and institutions that apply digital learning environments and diversified learning strategies at the same time will be placing on the labor market professionals that will help increase local, regional and national development.

Theoretical-Experiential Learning is this model proposal, where the totality of being is integrated in its learning process, acting in a preventive perspective, stimulating the affective core of learning, through music, movement and group meeting, that allows the development of human potentials of vitality, pleasure, creativity, affectivity and transcendence.

// Course Scientific Coordinators
Professor Catarina Nadais, Phd and Dr. Ana Maria Fernandes da Silva

// Receivers
Teachers and Educators (any cycle / subject area); 
Professionals from different areas.

// Objectives
- Provide specialized training in the context of new Education needs, which allows the expansion of practical interventions in education, forseeing new acting methodologies in the educational system;
- Develop educational proposals within the scope of the oriented by experience movement dynamics;
- Explore the oriented by experience movement as an educational strategy;
- Implement new approaches that allow the implementation, in the social web, of educational, community and socio-cultural training and intervention projects for children and youth.

// Operation Mode

Duration: 150 hours - 22 ECTS

Application Deadline: September, 16, 2021 (3rd phase)

Beginning of the course: October, 2021

The classes will take place fridays from 19H30 to 22H30 and Saturdays from 09H00 to 13H00 and from 14H30 to 17H30. Courses will be interrupted during Christmas, Carnival, Easter and August.

// Curricular Structure and Faculty Members

MODULE 1 - 30 hours
Introduction to Education oriented by the experiential movement: António Sarpe; Nuno Pinto; Ana Maria Silva 

MODULE 2 - 20 hours
Neurophysiological and Psychosocial Fundamentals: Ana Meireles

MODULE 3 - 20 hours
Intelligence, Affectivity and Creativity in Education: Manuel Pelágio

MODULE 4 - 30 hours
Experiential Learning and Education by the Body and Emotions: Ana Maria Silva

MODULE 5 - 20 hours
Participative and Experienced Research Methodologies in the Construction of Knowledge: Catarina Nadais; Cristina Cunha Mocetão 

MODULE 6 - 20 hours
Final Project: Catarina Nadais; Ana Maria Silva

MODULE 7 - 10 hours
Seminars: Several invited speakers

// Teaching Methodologies
The predominant teaching methodology of this postgraduate course is based on the theoretical-experiential learning of the participants, it will include moments of theoretical presentation and experiential learning activities from the movement integrated with music. Participants will be asked to develop a practical work based on the scientific texts analyzed, as well as case studies related to the covered subjects , among other activity proposals. The work done will be presented and the respective themes discussed during the work sessions. There will also take place individual and group practical sessions for mentoring/orientation of participants work.

// Teaching Body

Ana Maria Fernandes da Silva: Graduated in Portuguese-English from the University of Aveiro. Teacher of Portuguese and English in public and private education. Instructor, by the Minho Training Centre, of the Scientific-Pedagogical Area of the Teaching of Portuguese. She has held, among others, positions of Coordination and Pedagogical Innovation in different Schools, having been President of the General Assembly of the Secondary Schools, Abel Salazar and Castêlo da Maia. Author of School Manuals at Porto Editora and ASA and co-author of Porto Editora's Dicionário de Biografias. She was content manager at Portal NetProf. Terapeuta de Constelações Sistémicas. Biodanza Facilitator and Didactic for 14 years. Coordinator of the Biodanza School of Porto. Registered with the International Biocentric Foundation, Por. 1213.

Ana Meireles: Clinical Psychologist, graduated and PhD from the University of Porto. University Professor and Researcher with publications on body experience and psychological development, on the development of skills in higher education, and on creativity in organizational context, among others. Trainer in behavioural areas and in research and evaluation methodologies. Consultant in design, planning and evaluation of development and training projects. Consultant in human resources management and gender equality for several business and higher education entities; Skills assessment and Coaching in several business, consulting/training and higher education entities.

Antonio José Sarpe: Clinical Psychologist from Gama Filho University, Rio de Janeiro. Specializations in Medical and Psychosomatic Psychology and Systemic Family Therapy. Biodanza Facilitator and Didactic for 35 years. Director of the Biodanza School of Portugal, having held management positions for 20 years. Author of the Didactic-Methodological Program for the creation and maintenance of Regular Groups in Biodanza. Author of the book "Identity and Eros and Transcendence", a journey between Biodanza theory and autobiography. Registered with the International Biocentric Foundation, SP. 8515.

Manuel Pelágio: Graduated in Business Management at Pontifícia Universidade Católica in Brazil. Post-graduate degree for Executives, General Management Course, by Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Marketing by Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão. Advanced Executive Program at Harvard Business School, Advanced Management Program, in Boston, USA. Internationally Certified Coach by ICC - International Coaching Community. Certified Trainer by Inscape. Trainer, Coach and Speaker in different subjects such as Leadership.

Nuno Sérgio da Silva Pinto
: Business Management Technician, Financial Management, Computer Systems Management, Accounting and Administrative Management. For several years, he held positions in several companies, as manager, manager and founding partner, and was Content Manager at Sapo Portal. Precursor of the Biodanza ® System in Portugal. Director of the Biodanza® School in Porto. Biodanza Facilitator and Didactic for 20 years. Registered with the International Biocentric Foundation, Por.0204.

// Investment

Application: 100 
Insurance: 30 €
Registration: 200 €
Tuition Fee: 1.600 €


» Special conditions for students and Alumni ISAG.

// Methods of Payment
- Tuition Prompt Payment (enjoy 5% of discount)
- Tuition 2 instalments (enjoy 2% of discount)
- Quarterly Tuition (no discount of any kind)

Offer of Certificate of attendance/ Diploma of conclusion.

// Why ISAG?
Highly Specialized Faculty | Connection to the international market | Training Credits | Post Working Hours | Special Bank Credit for study purposes | New Campus with wide and green spaces

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